Our Mission
Welcome to our platform devoted to Florence Beatrice Price, the first noted African American female composer to gain national status.
Born in Little Rock, Arkansas in 1887, Price, won first prize in the Wanamaker Competition with her Symphony in E minor and as a result, became the first female composer of African descent to have a symphonic work performed by a major national symphony orchestra.
This website invites performers and scholars of Florence Beatrice Price to share their contributions with the public. Since the rediscovery of the lost music there are so many rich works that need the ear of our audiences. We want have this platform offer performances from around the globe because it is the only way to weave this beautiful music into the fabric of the mainstream classical repertoire.
With your permission, we will post performances, articles, and papers on the subject of Florence B. Price. We ask you as well, to send your recordings, and any materials that you would like to have posted to FlorenceBeatricePrice@gmail.com. We will post your video performances and upload your programs and any research materials.
As well, Dr. Karen Walwyn has made it her immediate goal to begin the journey of the recording of four volume recording project.
We hope that you will check back on the birthday of Florence B. Price, April 9, 2021 to learn of the developments of this very exciting project. Dr. Karen Walwyn is committed to raising the money to begin and complete the four volume project.
We anticipate a small taste of the recording will be made available for her birthday. We will have regular updates under News.
If you would like to contribute to the recording project, please visit our donate page or click below.
Thank you very much for your visit to the Florence Beatrice Price platform to share in the beauty of her music.
Please enjoy!
For more information:

Starting the Journey!